2016 Space Elevator Conference
August 10, 2016
Come experience learning, brainstorming, and international collaboration in an atmosphere of history, invention, and discovery! A Family Science Fest day will be held in conjunction with the conference.
This year at the Museum of Flight, as part of Boeing’s centennial, the travelling “Above and Beyond” exhibition will be at the museum (which includes a simulated space elevator ride).
Registration for the Technical Program is open until August 14, 2016.
Conference events to include:
Robo Climb 2016 – A Youth Robotics Competition
Be part of a robotic climber competition between student teams from across the nation. Build robots that simulate space elevators carrying satellites into orbit. Further information and rules.
- Date: Saturday, August 20, 2016
- Time: 10am to 3pm
- Cost: Museum entrance is free to registered teams
1-Day Family Science Fest
- A family-focused, STEM-centric event for kids of all ages
- Date: Saturday, August 20, 2016
- Time: 10am to 3pm
- Cost: Included with Museum of Flight admission
- Hands-on activities, demos, and exhibits. STEM!
- SE 101: Introduction to the Space Elevator concept
- SE 201: You’ve been to SE 101, now learn more details about space elevator applications, challenges, and opportunities
- Read more about the Family Science Fest
3-Day Technical Program
- Dates: Friday, August 19, 2016 through Sunday, August 21, 2016
- Time: 9am to 5pm
- Space Elevator Overview Presentation: The popular conceptual design
- Keynote presentation
- Mini-Workshops on the Apex Anchor, the Geo Node, andCommunication Architecture
- Shotgun Science Session: Ideas not ready for prime time: rapid sequence, 5 minutes each, open to all
- See the Technical Program page for more details
—Event Producer