Criminals and terrorists can fly drones too
February 6, 2013

A scale model of a U.S. Navy F-86 Sabre fighter plane, similar to a device constructed by Massachusetts resident Rezwan Ferdaus, 26, who was accused of plotting attacks on the U.S. Pentagon and Capitol by using a remote-controlled aircraft filled with plastic explosives. The pictured aircraft, from a photo released by the U.S. Justice Department, is not the device constructed by the defendant. (Credit: U.S. Justice Department)
Drones are no longer the sole domain of the military, and just as with many new technologies, they can easily fall into the wrong hands, global security advisor, writer and consultant Marc Goodman reports in Time.
Criminal organizations are early adopters of technology, and some have already used UAVs and other forms of robotics to violate the law while reducing their risk of arrest and apprehension.