Digital Tonto | The Singularity: apocalypse or nerd rapture?
May 11, 2013
Digital Tonto — May 11, 2013 | Greg Satell
This is a summary. Read original article in full here.
In the real world, we have our own version of Judgement Day called the Singularity and many can’t wait for it to come. Like in The Terminator it is the moment when computers take over, but rather than killing us off the machines enhance us.
Some have called the Singularity a nerd rapture. Its prophet is Ray Kurzweil, one of the world’s foremost experts on artificial intelligence and the new Director of Engineering at Google, where he will direct a good portion of the company’s $6.7 billion R&D budget to making his vision come true. Like it or not, science fiction is becoming science fact. […]