International Conference on Futuristic Computer Applications
October 21, 2009
ICFCA is a yearly international conference sponsored by ACM. The conference proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library and in the International Journal on Futuristic Computer Applications (IJFCA). IJFCA is regarded as one of the pioneer international journals bridging the divide between the academia and the corporate. It also facilitates as an incubator to new ideas as well and provides free counsel to researchers in the patent application procedures.
It is now widely recognized that applied research has a key role to play in moving computer science beyond academia into business. The aim of this multi-track conference is to bring together researchers, practitioners, students, technology market movers and thought leaders, with a view to advance the state of the art and the state of the practice in applied research.
Themes and Topics:
Computer Science/Information Technology, Computer Architecture, Data Base Management Systems, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Communication and Networks, System Analysis and Design, System Software, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Operating Systems, Unix and Network Programming, Advanced Databases, Computer Graphics and Multimedia Systems, Internet Programming and Tools, Visual Programming, Advanced Java Programming, Electronic Commerce, Software Quality Management, Parallel and Distributed computing, Data Mining and Data Warehousing, Component Based Development, Network Protocols and Management, Optimization Techniques, Advanced Software Engineering, Principles of Compiler Design, Computer Peripheral and Interfacing Techniques, Software Agents, Computer simulation and Modeling, Program Design and Developmen, Telecomm Switching Techniques, Information Coding Techniques, TCP/IP and socket Programming, Multimedia Systems, Biocomputing, Cryptogrphy & Steganography, Ethical Hacking, Quantum Computing, Bio Informatics, Fault Tolerant Systems, Decision Support Systems, Management Information System, Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Soft Computing, Blue Tooth Technology, Optical Computing, Natural Language Processing, Enterprise Resource Planning, Parallel Processing, Interactive Computer Graphics, Probability and Queueing Theory, Network protocols, Management and Security, Neural Computing, Real Time Systems, Digital Speech and Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, High Performance Microprocessors, Robotics, Graph Theory, Java Virtual Machine,
Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation, TCP/IP-Design and Implementation, Component ware Architectures, Mainframe Computing, High Performance Networks, Network Design Security and Management, Medical Informatics, Web Tech, Wireless Tech, Internet Tech, Role of It in Development of rural area, VR and Wearable Technology, Computational Mechanics, Electrical, Electronics & Electronics Telecomm, …more