making headlines | A breakthrough processor invented for AI

topic: progress in computing
January 1, 2020

image | above
Cerebras says its computer chip is the largest ever built: as big as a dinner plate — 100 times the size of a typical chip.

photo: by Cerebras


— note —

Dear readers,

Important breakthroughs happen ever-faster each year. We collect good writing from magazines + newspapers on lead headlines — so you can connect with essential stories on progress.

below is:

  • a story on progress that’s making headlines
  • facts summary
  • curated list of the best reading on this headline

topic progress in computing
story A breakthrough processor invented for AI.

— facts —-

the world’s largest chip:

  • named the Wafer Scale Engine • by Cerebras
  • 56 times larger than the biggest graphics processing unit ever made
  • 400,000 cores
  • 18 GB on-chip SRAM
  • 3,000 times more on-chip memory
  • tightly coupled memory for efficient data access
  • 33,000 times more bandwidth
  • extensive high bandwidth communication fabric
  • groups of cores work together

1. |

publication: the New York Times
story title: To power AI, start-up creates a giant computer chip
read | story

2. |

publication: BBC
story title: Cerebras reveals world’s largest computer chip for AI tasks
read | story

3. |

publication: VentureBeat
story title: Cerebras Systems unveils a record 1.2 trillion transistor chip for AI
deck: text
read | story

no. 4 |

publication: EE Times
story title: Start-up spins whole wafer for AI
deck: Cerebras taps wafer-scale integration for training.
read | story

no. 5 |

publication: Wired
story title: To power AI, this start-up built a really, really big chip
deck: Many computer chips are smaller than your fingernail.
deck: Cerebras new chip for AI systems is bigger than a standard iPad.
read | story

on the web | pages

Cerebras | home
Cerebras | technology


— notes —

AI = artificial intelligence
GPU = graphics processing unit
SRAM = static random access memory

EE = electrical engineering
BBC = British Broadcasting Company