resourcesfrom | Best Buyprogram | the Teen Tech Center

June 1, 2022


— contents —

~ letter
~ about | the program
~ featurette

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Best Buy has created the Teen Tech Center program — for mentoring, training, and equipment labs. It provides hands-on help with a wide-range of tech. And features trending digital devices + software.

The program is reaching today’s youth — especially within diverse + under-served communities. Take a look at the program details + featurettes below, and find a location close to you.

library editor

the Teen Tech Center program | home ~ locations
tag line: Building brighter futures.
banner: tech + training + mentorship

read | A place to explore.
read | Getting teens on the right path.
read | Behind the scenes of our stories.

presented by

from: Best Buy | home ~ channel
tag line: Our purpose is to enrich lives through tech.
banner: Making tech work for you.

about | the program

Changing lives.

The Teen Tech Center program by Best Buy is creating opportunity. Every kid deserves to pursue their dreams. With tech, training, guidance, and mentoring — anything is possible.

The program has given over 1 million youth a brighter future. We provide access to digital tools + education that will change a kid’s life — and help create a good tomorrow, together.

We’re committed to preparing teens from under-served communities for tech-reliant jobs. Youth mentorship is at the heart of our program. We want to give them access — to all they need — to succeed. In the next 10 years — 80% of jobs will require tech skills. The program helps youth + young adults prepare, with hands-on experience:

  • digital media
  • robotics
  • virtual reality
  • 3D printing
  • sound studio

We’re helping cultivate the next generation of teachers, inventors, creators, engineers, parents, community leaders, policy-makers, and entrepreneurs. And we’re just getting started — 92% of our youth participants plan to continue their education beyond high school.

Increasing our impact.

  • We’re on-track to reach more than 30,000 teens annually at 100 locations by 2025.
  • 46 Teen Tech Center by Best Buy locations currently open, with plans to expand to 100 by 2025.
  • 30,000 teens reached annually by the end of 2025.
  • Creating talent pipelines in our communities

source: Best Buy

— featurette —

title: STORIES — the Teen Tech Center program | by Best Buy
watch | featurette

no. 1 |

story: Tez is 15 years-old

Tez likes to tell stories. He’s a gifted film-maker who has big dreams to turn his passion into a career. His mentors + the Teen Tech Center helped Tez unleash his creativity for film — equipping him with the tools to pursue his imagination.

no. 2 |

story: Naje is 15 years-old.

Naje sees the world in pictures, and loves to learn. She’s a talented photographer and aspires to be an aerospace engineer. The Teen Tech Center gives her the lens — equipping her with tools to grow.

no. 3 |

story: Latrell is 17 years-old.

Latrell spends his days writing lyrics. He’s a gifted writer who aspires to be a musical artist. He’s turning his talents into reality with the words he writes. Latrell uses the Teen Tech Center’s recording studio to set his lyrics to music.

— notes —

3D = 3-dimensional