High-quality carbon nanotubes made from carbon dioxide in the air break the manufacturing cost barrier

“The most valuable material ever sold”

Self-healing material mimics the resilience of soft biological tissue

Imagine first-responder robots that instantly heal themselves when damaged, or wires that continue to conduct electricity when cut

Revolutionary 3D nanohybrid lithium-ion battery could allow for charging in just seconds [UPDATED]

Design also prevents fires in mobile devices

MIT’s modular plug-and-play blocks allow for building medical diagnostic devices

Small labs around the world will be able to cheaply and easily detect diabetes, cancer, and infectious diseases such as Zika virus

Brain-computer-interface training helps tetraplegics win avatar race

When humans actively participate with AI in improving performance

Two major advances in autonomous technologies that rival human abilities

Google Duplex voice technology and Boston Dynamics’ robot advances push the boundaries

FAA to team with local, state, and tribal governments and companies to develop safe drone operations

But could this ambitious program have unintended consequences when criminals and terrorists get involved?

Three dramatic new ways to visualize brain tissue and neuron circuits

May lead to breakthroughs in tracking brain disorders such as autism, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s

round-up | Hawking’s radical instant-universe-as-hologram theory and the scary future of information warfare

Plus molecular movies of RNA for drug discovery, an atomically thin memory breakthrough, and a Magna Carta for the AI age

round-up | New high-resolution virtual-reality and augmented-reality headsets

Promise amazing new consumer experiences, including VR/AR displays in 2020 with four times higher resolution than today’s 4K TVs

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