event | the Future in Review
August 1, 2018
Hosted by About Mark Anderson, founder and publisher of the Strategic News Service™, the Future in Review® (FiRe) conference exposes world experts and participants to new ideas in a manner that produces an accurate portrait of the future in technology, including the global economy, cloud computing, biology and medical diagnostics, policy, netbooks, space travel, sustainability, and other fields that contribute to technology outcomes. (Strategic News Service and the SNS weekly global report have been accurately predicting the technology industry’s future since 1995.) This intimate conference is designed to be intellectually challenging, financially rewarding, and fun.
Where and when?
The 16th annual FiRe Conference will be held October 9th – 12th, 2018, at the Stein Eriksen Lodge, in Park City, Utah.
What makes FiRe unique?
No other conference offers participants a more accurate view of the technology industry in the next 3-5 years. And no other conference provides the intellectual engagement and challenge you will find at FiRe, in a beautiful environment, meeting with the world leaders who are building that future.
In place of canned PowerPoint speeches, FiRe consists entirely of focused conversations on subjects affecting the near- and mid-term future.
Who should attend?
Top officers of world-class technology-driven companies and global investors and policymakers. Many participants are also speakers. Early registration increases the chance that we will ask you to participate in the program.
description: by event host