Thirty years with computers

May 28, 2004 | Source: CNET

“According to Moore’s Law, computer power doubles every 18 months, meaning that computers will be a million times more powerful by 2034,” estimates computer useability expert Jakob Nielsen.

“According to Nielsen’s Law of Internet bandwidth, connectivity to the home grows by 50 percent per year; by 2034, we’ll have 200,000 times more bandwidth.

“That same year, I’ll own a computer that runs at 3PHz CPU speed, has a petabyte (a thousand terabytes) of memory, half an exabyte (a billion gigabytes) of hard disk — equivalent storage and connects to the Internet with a bandwidth of a quarter terabit (a trillion binary digits) per second.

“By 2034, we’ll finally get decent computer displays, with a resolution of about 20,000 pixels by 10,000 pixels. Computer games in 2034 are likely to offer simulated worlds and interactive storytelling that’s more engaging than linear presentations such as those in most movies today.”