Two Stars For Peace: The Case for Using U.S. Statehood to Achieve Lasting Peace in the Middle East
January 25, 2005 by Martine Rothblatt
World order is essential to reducing the time to the Singularity, says author Martine Rothblatt, citing Ray Kurzweil’s observation that increased order (and lowered chaos) reduces the interval between salient events in time.
In a new book, she suggests an imaginative solution to one major threat to world order: the explosive Palestine/Israeli conflict.
“A young person in Palestine and Israel today looks forward to future with depression and with fear,” says author Martine Rothblatt in an interview on the “iUniverse” show on Sirius satellite radio, profiling Rothblatt’s new book, “Two Stars for Peace: The Case for Using U.S. Statehood to Achieve Lasting Peace in the Middle East.”
“But with Two Stars for Peace, the young people of Israel and Palestine can look forward to a future when they can travel freely throughout the United States, get their education in any part of the United States, or they can travel back and forth between Israel and Palestine. They can look forward to a future of instead of warring armies, everybody is part of a single United States army. The young people have no vested interest in the past of bickering and hostility. It’s depressing. But Two Stars for Peace gives them a way to have a good life.”
Click here to hear Martine Rothblatt’s appearance on Sirius satellite radio. (2.8 MB MP3 file, 3 minutes)