About knfb Reading Technology™ & Blio
This section covers news and updates from the knfb Reading Technology™ family of products, and showcases the Blio e-reader.
knfb Reading Technology™ is a joint venture between Kurzweil Technologies and the National Federation of the Blind, the largest and most influential membership organization of blind people in the United States. The company develops products that innovate access to print for anyone with difficulty seeing or reading, including the blind and learning disabled.
In 2010, knfb Reading Technology™ partnered with global media distributor Baker & Taylor to create the Blio e-reader, which delivers an advanced electronic reading environment for today’s digital content. The Blio video tour provides further details on the product's features.
Source: PR Newswire — January 5, 2011
Source: Information Today — November 1, 2010 | Paula Hane
Source: LibreDigital — October 20, 2010
Source: Publishers Weekly — October 6, 2010 | Calvin Reid
Source: h+ magazine — September 30, 2010 | Surf-D
Source: ZDNet — September 28, 2010 | Rachel King
Source: MediaPost — September 28, 2010 | Erik Sass
Library Journal — October 1, 2010
Source: Engadget — September 29, 2010 | Joanna Stern